The Disappearance of Public Space is the first of a series of projects under the title Inquiry into Reality by curator Goran Petrovic. The project considers and explores the meaning of the term public sphere and the degree of change in its meaning under the influence of media, new technologies and new forms of communication.

Starting from the idea that public sphere covers every representative form of interaction and communication, and that the elements of media culture can form its significant part, artists gathered around the project Inquiry into Reality: The Disappearance of Public Space directly intervene within different channels of communication: printed, electronic and digital media and urban public space. Generally speaking, the intention of the project is to provoke the production of hybrids that integrate artistic praxis and media, such as books, newspapers, radio, TV and Internet, and to offer various audiences the possibility to experience modern art as a critical praxis. Therefore the art works have been produced for the project in the form of a newspaper addition, sketch, book, TV series, advertising campaign, TV film, music video clip, on-line Internet game and film.

Most of the art works within the project have been produced for this occasion and are closely related to the social, cultural and political situation in the Balkans. They are dealing with the following topics: media as a public service, spreading cultural patterns, social role of art, identity, position of immigrants, women and marginalized groups of citizens, rules of market politics of the EU etc.
The artworks have been produced and distributed through different channels of communication (public space, printed and electronic media, cinema) and documented afterwards within a gallery in the form of an exhibition that notifies the process of research in media. The project ended by a TV debate discussing the topics that the project represents and summing up the results of direct artistic research in the media and the exhibition itself.
The Disappearance of Public Space is the first of a series of projects under the title Inquiry into Reality by curator Goran Petrovic. The project considers and explores the meaning of the term public sphere and the degree of change in its meaning under the influence of media, new technologies and new forms of communication.

A newspaper supplement, newspaper DANAS, April 5th, 2006
Starting from the idea that public sphere covers every representative form of interaction and communication, and that the elements of media culture can form its significant part, artists gathered around the project Inquiry into Reality: The Disappearance of Public Space directly intervene within different channels of communication: printed, electronic and digital media and urban public space. Generally speaking, the intention of the project is to provoke the production of hybrids that integrate artistic praxis and media, such as books, newspapers, radio, TV and Internet, and to offer various audiences the possibility to experience modern art as a critical praxis. Therefore the art works have been produced for the project in the form of a newspaper addition, sketch, book, TV series, advertising campaign, TV film, music video clip, on-line Internet game and film.

Most of the art works within the project have been produced for this occasion and are closely related to the social, cultural and political situation in the Balkans. They are dealing with the following topics: media as a public service, spreading cultural patterns, social role of art, identity, position of immigrants, women and marginalized groups of citizens, rules of market politics of the EU etc.
The artworks have been produced and distributed through different channels of communication (public space, printed and electronic media, cinema) and documented afterwards within a gallery in the form of an exhibition that notifies the process of research in media. The project ended by a TV debate discussing the topics that the project represents and summing up the results of direct artistic research in the media and the exhibition itself.
The Appearance of Art in Public Space
Inquiry into Reality: The Disappearance of Public Space focuses on the public space as a place of freedom, equalities/differences, the discussion/exchange of new ideas, changes, the creation of public opinion, intimacy, shelters, phobias etc. Through numerous artistic activities, realized in different domains of the public sphere (open or closed space, mass media, IT, etc.) and the application of public relations strategies (informative and advertising media activities), it accomplishes an intensive level of connection and imbuation of the public sphere and art. Consequently, the project questions the term public space, revealing its different social, political and cultural features and exceeding the usual ways of exposing and the usual range of target groups. It will display art as an alternative informative system.
Hristina Ivanoska (MK), Mirna Arsovska (MK), Katarina Popovic (RS), URTICA: Violeta Vojvodic, Edvard Balaz i Daniel Stevanovic(RS), Manon de Boer (NL,BE), Tanja Ostojic (RS/DE) and David Rych (AT),Yane Calovski (MK/NY), Sinisa Ilic (RS), Dejan Kaludjerovic (RS/AT), Iskra Dimitrova (MK), Khaled Ramadan (DK)

Fund for an Open Society

Images may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the DPspace team

Fund for an Open Society

Images may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the DPspace team